The Doctor of Nursing Practice Nurse Anesthesia track is 36 months and 73 credits.
The first year of study consists of primarily didactic content to prepare the student for integration into the clinical area. Subsequently, the didactic and clinical portions are integrated.
The student will gain clinical experience through rotations at multiple clinical sites, and will progress from simple to complex cases, completing more than 2,000 hours of clinical experience and no less than 650 cases during the course of the track.
The student to faculty ratio never exceeds 2:1, and a certified registered nurse anesthetist or an anesthesiologist supervises students in the clinical setting.
An “on call” experience is included beginning in the Spring semester of the second year to gain experience with anesthesia for emergency surgeries and procedures. Other specialty rotations include pediatrics, obstetrics, cardiac, and regional anesthesia.
Each didactic and clinical course has a set of corresponding objectives that both faculty and students utilize to guide the learning outcomes in the nurse anesthesia curriculum.